General information on EDQM Publications
- How can I access the EDQM’s publications?
- How can I obtain part of a publication (e.g. the official analytical procedures of the European Pharmacopoeia or a single monograph)?
- What is the difference between monographs published in the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.), Ph. Eur. supplements and Pharmeuropa?
- What is the programme for adoption, publication and implementation of monographs?
- How many supplements are published for each version of the European Pharmacopoeia?
- How can I identify when and how a monograph has been added, revised or corrected?
- Can I get an advance copy of a text not yet adopted and consequently unavailable in my copy of the European Pharmacopoeia?
- How should I refer to the European Pharmacopoeia?
- How can I find the reference number, exact name or status of the European Pharmacopoeia monograph for a particular substance?
- In the ‘Published in English/French Supplement’ row in the Knowledge database, why does the Supplement number given not always correspond to the edition in force?
- Why is it that some texts published in the 11th Edition do not have 01/2023 as the version date?
- I would like to contact EDQM about EDQM publications, other than how to order or follow-up my order, but my item is not in the FAQs
Ordering EDQM publications
- How can I place an order or ask for a quotation?
- Can I modify or cancel my EDQM publications order?
- I sent an order for EDQM publications, but I have not heard from you?
- How can I renew my subscription to the European Pharmacopoeia?
- Are there any extra charges when ordering EDQM publications?
- Do I have to pay duties and taxes when ordering EDQM publications?
- I am a reseller, do I receive a discount when ordering EDQM Publications?
- I am a reseller, will you send the publications to my customers?
- Can I order an individual volume or monograph of the Ph. Eur.?
- I bought 2 subscriptions separately, can I benefit from the package price?
- I ordered several Ph. Eur. licences separately, can I benefit from the online bulk order special price?
- I have ordered a publication subscription (European Pharmacopoeia or Pharmeuropa) but have received only part of it, what has happened?
- If I don’t subscribe for the next year, will I still have the access to the European Pharmacopoeia and/or archives?
- How can I make a complaint about an EDQM Publications order?
- How can I become an authorised distributor of EDQM publications?
- I would like to contact EDQM about ordering of EDQM publications, but my item is not in the FAQs