
Recommendations issued by the Committee of Experts on the Classification of Medicines as Regards their Supply are available in the Search tab of the Melclass Database.

If you know the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) code of the active ingredient you are interested in, select it in the ‘Select ATC’ search bar and then click ‘Search’. You can either scroll down the list of ATC codes or type the first few characters to quickly find the active ingredient you are looking for.

If you know the International Non-proprietary Name (INN), select it in the ‘Select INN’ search bar (‘Filters’ section) and then click ‘Search’. You can either scroll down the list of INNs or type the first few characters to quickly find the active ingredient you are looking for.

If you do not know the ATC code or the INN of the active ingredient you are looking for, you can find them in the ATC/DDD Index.